Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fun time on Saturday

Yesterday was a really fun day. I attened one of my Meet-up groups and we to the Heard Museum to see Kathy & Patrick Murillos exhibit, then went back to Denise's house to learn how to cook some yummy Mexican food and do Crafty Chica style crafting. The food was fabulous, I learned how to make easy tamales and a great Cowboy Caviar. It was so good that I came home and made it for today. I had a blast. Kathy was supposed to surprise us and show up for lunch but her new car got a flat tire so she couldn't make it. That is okay, she is still awesome. The pics are of parts of their exhibit. It is so awesome everyone who is nearby should go.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Beginnings

I can't believe it is already 9 days into the new year. We have many things happening already this year. Church happenings are keeping us all very busy as is work and school. I have changed my degree to Early Childhood Developement because I really really don't want a degree in history. Social Science was a bit too much and not going to do me much good in the end. When I started they didn't offer ECD as an online program, so when I saw yesterday that it was available I called and changed it right away. I hope it all goes more smoothly from now on. Dave is still working on his Masters degree, yeah he's a smarty pants. I think he is within a year of finishing. Finally, it has been almost 9 years since he started on his AA degree, so now two AA degrees, a BS degree and now almost a MA degree he will be done. I told him he can't get any more degrees until I at least get one. It is my turn. Just kidding, he can get whatever he wants.
Okay so that was random and boring. Later on I will post more about what we have going on but for now can you just pray that we make the right decisions and that God has his hand in everything we do.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Holidays to all

We had a wonderful Christmas at my mom's in California. Justin was able to come up for a few days and Ally was with us for the week. Erik had a ton of fun playing in the snow that was there when we got there but it quickly melted. I had surgery on my wrist again on the 19th so it was nice to just relax. Well because of forementioned surgery it is hard to type. More later.